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  • Random tips to not be banned

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by antivoid, Sep 10, 2013.

    1. antivoid

      antivoid New Member

      Aug 9, 2011
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      In your face botting tips

      If you want to bot with Honorbuddy, or already botting with honorbuddy; I want to provide you all with some hints and shit that have helped me in the past get shit working and not get banned like a little bitch.

      First off, my history. Botting for 2 years or so, on and off, with the full spectrum (raid bots, levelling, gathering, PvP BGs, instances).

      If you're banned you're fucked. So ima start with the bans. The reason you'll get banned is for one reason and one reason alone: Player reports. Look I am pretty sure that Blizzard doesn't care to check every game client machine for Honorbuddy running or other bots, in general. Unless you're fucking unlucky and get caught up in a banwave. Then you're screwed and either need to start up a new account, or get a girlfriend, or pay attention to the current girlfriend. (or boyfriend or whatever)

      But in general, the biggest tip I can give is: Don't look like a bot. Don't play fucking stupid. Don't be a noob and leave your bot running all day on it's own.

      Don't do shit like:
      - Allow running on the spot, over and over into a building.
      - Clicking repeatedly on a quest giver for 3 hours overnight because you're not supervising. In that case I hope you get banned, because you're fucking stupid then.
      - Don't grind to level. Oh, look! Says blizzard. 20 levels and no quest handins? Yeah?..
      - Same applies to mining and gathering. High nodes per hour is liable to get you banned (thanks to my friend for this one)
      - Don't leave your bot gathering / mailing for the whole fucking day like a naab. Who the fuck actually stays away 24 hours a day every day and flies around and gathers fucking ore all the time? Don't be a noob.
      - Don't gather 1000 stacks of something and post it on the auction house. Shit like that will get your ass flagged and then blizz will scan you, find honorbuddy, and then you're fucked.
      - Don't overnight your bot. Fucking said this before, but if you go full retard and leave your bot PvPing overnight or something, your bot is bound to do something stupid and some player is gonna report you then.

      Do shit like:
      - Supervise your bot. 100% of the time. If you can't 100% (or 90% at least) your bot then you're gonna get banned. You don't like the idea of that? Well then you're gonna get banned sooner or later.
      - Botting is not a replacement for being in front of the computer. Sure by all means do stuff like watch series with your girlfriend, or movies, or a romantic dinner in, or have sex with your girlfriend or boyfriend but watch your bot. If you can't watch the bot switch it off. Your girlfriend wouldn't believe you if you botted real life. Nor will blizz in wow. or the players you share your server with.

      Don't be a noob and you won't get banned.

      Science bitch!
    2. shoxyz

      shoxyz New Member

      Jun 19, 2013
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    3. Tefyx

      Tefyx New Member

      Oct 5, 2012
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      And this is just something called "common sense". By the way, you will get banned no matter what :) Even if you're 100% careful, the banhammer is always watching over your shoulders, only the time will tell before it bashes your head at the desk ^^
    4. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      the whole point mostly about botting is for it to take care of things when you're afk, let people do what they want as I know I will sometimes go afk when PVP botting for atleast a few hours.. but good tips.
    5. etsyat

      etsyat New Member

      Sep 8, 2013
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      Maybe you'll be lucky and avoid getting banned, because a lot of players like myself don't care if people bot and never have. But theres always some prefect that will report you so, yeah, good tips.
    6. Kandiman

      Kandiman New Member

      Sep 4, 2013
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      I created an account specifically for the purpose of using HB and so far it's been mainly for leveling/questing and gathering while I quest. there have been times where I've had to jump in and go manual when the toon decides it needs to keep going back to that quest turn in and I haven't completed the quest. So far so good, just waiting patiently for the update.
    7. fossilburner

      fossilburner Member

      Mar 2, 2011
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      i have no words...

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