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  • [Request] Buy gear from local merchants and vendors while leveling

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Profiles' started by Teh, May 29, 2015.

    1. Teh

      Teh Member

      Aug 15, 2012
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      There is a lot of gear to be picked up easily from the "Merchant & Mender"s throughout the game. I was wondering if it'd be possible to write a script that bought new gear as you went?

      EDIT: Crud. Wrong forum. Can I move this seeing as I realized it's in the wrong area?
      Last edited: May 29, 2015
    2. Mr McGibblets

      Mr McGibblets Member

      May 20, 2014
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      It is possible but for now nobody has done it.

      As of now the general rule of thumb is to go buy your upgrades you need for as long as you think the bot will be running before you can go make another vendor/gear run. Put it all in your armory and let Agil swap it out for you when the time comes. If you will only be gone for shorter periods of time, you can set it to spiritbond within a level range and you can put multiple of the same item in your armory and let Agil get them all to 100% and bust them when you come back.

      Edit: as you also noticed Agil doesn't think dual slotted items are sexy. So he will completely ignore chest that take both helm/chest slot and pants that take pants/boots slot.

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