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  • [Request] Facing plugin, AOE avoidance plugin, Speed plugin

    Discussion in 'Plugins' started by Proto, May 21, 2015.

    1. Proto

      Proto New Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      [Request] Speed plugin

      Hi all. I'm new to Rebornbuddy. As a refugee of the Honorbuddy ban wave that killed my mains, I've come to Rebornbuddy.
      I've found some features missing from combat routines and/or plugins that handle these, and am hoping they already exist, and someone can direct me. Or that a developer can create these.

      Speed skill) A plugin that would keep Speed buff on, upon cool down, only out of combat, and only when moving. Great for use when leveling, before a mount is available. As I am now, being new to FFXIV. I made a similar plugin for Honorbuddy rogue burst of speed, but am not familiar with plugin code for Rebornbuddy.

      The various Developer tools in Honorbuddy seem to be missing from RB. And being a novice at writing code, those tools were invaluable to me in bridging the gaps in my knowledge. I also utilized other people's examples, reverse engineered, and tweaked to make a plugin or profile suit my needs when I could not find a pre-made solution. I don't have that luxury here, with a smaller development community. I therefore must rely on much more experienced programmers to help :) I do hope someone will. Thank you.

      edit: I removed avoidance plugin request as I was directed to [Zekken] Avoid telegraphed attacks! (v1.4.2), in another thread. thanks y2krazy for that and of course Neverdyne for the Zekken plugin :)
      Facing was resolved in post below - A basic facing only movement plugin, for use with the movement free Combat Asst bot base.
      Last edited: May 22, 2015
    2. Proto

      Proto New Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      Thanks to newb23, resolved my Facing issue using Combat Assist.

      He wrote..

      Facing is already handled in the built in Combat Assist actually, if you open the raidbro.cs file, and scroll down to line 131, you will see this:
      GameSettingsManager.FaceTargetOnAction = false;
      Change it to true, and the facing problem goes away for ya.

      This edit can be made to any of the combat assist bases if you'd like, just look under the section called:

      public override void Start()
      in each base.

      Good luck!

      And fakeangels3 added the following suggestion as well...

      "Just to add; There is an option in game that let you face target when casting spell. ESC -> character settings -> target -> the 2nd option."
    3. Tinytox

      Tinytox Member

      Nov 5, 2014
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      It's not super legit, but there's a free utility called Leviathan helper you can try. I use it all the time.
      It's a sprint/camera hack, works very well, the hooking system is also well made, I suggest you try it if you want to always be sprinting.
      It also doesn't show other people that you're sprinting if they look, most people aren't going to notice or look anyhow, and for whatever reason square doesn't ban like... anyone... for anything. (prolly wants the subs..)
    4. blasthoss

      blasthoss New Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      The newest version of Mud Assist does Auto-Sprint, Facing, Basic Movement, etc. Check my sig for a link to the post.
    5. Proto

      Proto New Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      Thanks Blast.. I tried it but won't combat. Just sits there. went back to Combat Asst, as it's working fine. I'll keep an eye out on your project for updates and test again.

      Besides, I got it working myself here [Plugin] Speedy - Auto Sprint Buff
      Last edited: May 28, 2015

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