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  • Some Basic Questions

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by Hitori1, May 21, 2017.

    1. Hitori1

      Hitori1 New Member

      May 21, 2017
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      Second post, I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong in the first one.

      I had a few questions that I had about the client and options within, I'll try to be brief and would be grateful to any and all answers.

      1) Can this client run in the background, (example, I can be on Chrome while gathering/hunting/etc) it's running on it's own in the back not the primary window. Will that, perhaps, increase my risk of ban?
      2) In Fishing bot under BotBase there is a box checked called "Stationary" if unchecked what happens? Does it move my fisher x amount?
      3) Gathering, if I use the gathering function does it teleport me around or will it walk me to the next node, do I need a more specific profile for say gathering Highland Wheat which would involve mount/flying (A link to profile would be epic!)
      4) In the Rebornbuddy Guide it stated that Magitek no longer was functioning nor was the fate bot, seemed a bit unsure if it was up or down currently.
      5) Can I speak in chat while bot is running without worry of disruption to the botting process.
      6) Is there a profile for 4 star rotations or some variance of such.

      Best wishes and thank you for your replies.
    2. zzi

      zzi Active Member

      Mar 10, 2016
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      1) yes it runs in the background. "perhaps" depends on the botbase / profile. this game is currently all about user reports.
      2) I don't use the fishing profile so i couldn't tell you.
      3) There are some third party (read $$$) addon's that do a great job with crafting and gathering but can't be linked to here on the forums.
      4) Not sure what "magitek" is if you mean Ultima i think someone has taken it up updating it, and it can be found in the ultima discussion. FateBot / EXFatebot both work as far as i know, while not perfect they do a decent job.
      5) yes any bot hotkeys only trigger when the client window is active iirc.
      6) 4 star? not sure. check https://www.thebuddyforum.com/threa...ts-unspoiled-legendary-materials-farm.225254/

      Hope that helps answer some of your questions. If you have more feel free to jump into discord and have a chat with us!

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