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  • Trying to set up a rogue to gather

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by DRwho, May 4, 2017.

    1. DRwho

      DRwho New Member

      May 4, 2017
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      Rather new to this have been reading a bunch online about the best plug ins and ways to go about gathering for mats for a guild for raiding and world pvp. However i do not know much about writing code when it comes to starting from scratch and what i have failed to find is a outlaw rogue profile/rotation to be able to run around stealthed in between killing mobs in case of getting stuck. With a back up plan to use vanish to de aggro mobs and be able to A.) get unstuck if mobs/people are not close enough. otherwise B.) log out in vanish and stop bot. I'm looking to farm bloodrazors in Azuna for the legion leather or stormscale in stormheim in the water. Also to farm herbs for flasks/potions for raids/ WPvP. now obviously the herb farming would be different but couldn i some how incorporate the vanish back up plan upon getting stuck somehow or going between nodes in stealth if they are close enough. i don't really know though since i am rather new. Any help is very appreciated.

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