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  • Update Exilebuddy

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by nips, Aug 14, 2016.

    1. nips

      nips New Member

      Apr 21, 2013
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      Hi, I'm no programmer but i just spend a little time with batch-files. Idea was if you're runnig more than 1 virtual machine updating exilebuddy becomes tedious if you don't want to use the auto-update. I stopped using it some time ago because it f***ed with my settings. so what you do is download exilebuddy on your pc & do the changes you want. then:
      1. rename my "for buddy.txt" to .bat
      2. enable shared folder on your VM with path to exilebuddy
      such as C:\Users\Home\Desktop\exilebuddy
      3. inside your vm's put my batch-file inside autostart (cmd -> shell:startup)
      4. be happy

      what this will do is on every startup it checks if you downloaded a new version of exilebuddy on your main-pc, and if so, saves your settings folder, replaces exilebuddy & copys back your settings.
      important thing, the pathing to your exilebuddy should be the same as in the .bat else you need to change it. "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\Exilebuddy" is the path I used, if your's different -> modify .bat. I hope you get my meaning.
      Anyway, if there's questions i'll try to answer them.
      View attachment for buddys.txt

      what's inside the file:

      @echo off

      timeout /T 30 /nobreak

      fc /B "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Exilebuddy\Changelog.txt" "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\Exilebuddy\Changelog.txt"
      if errorlevel 1 goto update
      goto end

      xcopy "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\Exilebuddy\Settings" "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\save Settings\Settings" /E /Y /I
      for /D %%a in ("C:\Users\Home\Desktop\Exilebuddy\*.*") do rd /q /s "%%a"
      del "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\Exilebuddy\*.*" /q
      xcopy "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Exilebuddy" "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\Exilebuddy" /E /Y /I
      xcopy "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\save Settings\Settings" "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\Exilebuddy\Settings" /E /Y /I


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