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  • WHat does it mean when you're "Flagged" ?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Kuat, Sep 23, 2013.

    1. Kuat

      Kuat Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      i read many times here that blizz sometimes flags accounts (after violation)

      what does it mean? they are watching the character from time to time? are they tracking the character automatically via some script?

      would changing name help?
    2. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Noone knows for sure (Except Blizz staff ofc :D)

      But they could use a few possible methods:

      - Using the common serverside detection methods on the account, but with increased radar level, eg. Banning/Flagging for investigation account when gathering 3 hours straight, for the 2 weeks following the suspension, instead of gathering 8 hours per day, for 7 consequent days, like the usual detection template. (Its only assumption, describing the possible serverside detection)

      - Member of the Gamemasters team manually check the account logs 2 times a week, for the 3 weeks following the suspension, and take any penalty in place, if he "gather" some evidence for botting again.

      - Member of the Gamemasters team witness the online character once a week, for the 2 weeks following the suspension, and test it for botting behaviour (teleport, request chat input etc.)

      It could be one or more from the above or anything else. How could we know?

      P.S. Name change would not help indeed, since they store the data per account basis. But transferring the toon to separate wow account could help yea, even within the same battlenet account.

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