Tried it on a fresh druid... OMG what a bullshit. Nothing really works. Lack of good profiles, FightClasses that just do autoattack and randomly...
Bye. This is the end.
Thanks mate! Can you please add the option to install a wow bot? :)
then it expired in may 2016
Kurz und bündig: HB ist praktisch tot, man kann ihn nicht mehr kaufen (in DE schon länger nicht mehr), Benutzung ist nur noch bis 31.12.2017...
32bit for WoW will be removed completely because nextGen™ bots will only support 64bit clients
ahmmm...? no! it happened on first of december...
About your server... Realm: (x) EU; ( ) Pacific; ( ) US; Type: ( ) PvE; (x) PvP; ( ) RP; About the account... Account created after the...
now it is... at the time i posted it wasn't yet... :D ...and yes I'm fairly new :p
do we get time refunded for the days the bot wasn't updated?
Same here, he told me I have to be patient...
@Tony or @raphus Can we get information if there will be an update?
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