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    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Support' started by Dundee21, Mar 4, 2017.

    1. Dundee21

      Dundee21 New Member

      Mar 4, 2017
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      Posted this in the wrong forum before. Corrected the text, but now it´s for my actual sitiuation.

      Hey, there forum,
      a short introduction to myself:
      I am a 20 y/o male from germany, normally playing strategic games on a very good leve, rpgs, and some moba´s here and there.
      Lately one of my friends told me he plays SWTOR and I wanted to start with it aswell. He´s Level 33 or something like that and
      I was interested on boting at this game. So I went on Bossland and bought Buddywing for 3/m or so and started installing it. First I
      expected to run by itself after installation but it didn´t. So I looked up on the forum and found out that you have to do so much stuff manually.
      I read up like 2 guides and watched one Video on YT how you should do this, so it would work after wards. I had already installed those 2012 and 2010 datas,
      aswell as this 4.5.1 thingy, looked up for some Profiles, aswell as some combat routines, but when I start the bot and put in my key he finds my char, is able, to load
      my profile and then nothing happens again. Sometimes he doesnt even find my combat profiles or plugins. I am really bad at boting and have like no clue at all of
      programming/ coding. If someone could help me getting the bot started, maybe even over Teamspeak, Skype or so it would be really really awesome or like sending me
      an buddywing folder with everything ready to go cause I feel really helpless right now and just like to get the bot started.
    2. JazhJah

      JazhJah Member

      Jan 31, 2016
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      The bot is working good after level 10 toons, no profil working right now or pretty bad :s So you have to use it only with combat profil and doing quest by hand ^^

    3. exaccuss

      exaccuss Active Member

      Nov 10, 2013
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      Everything you need for BW is already in the downloaded bot since there is next to no community made plugins that are up to date. The only real reason to use this bot right now is for combat assist. Even then, its not very optimal yet.

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