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  • [Discontinued] [Plugin] Quest Plugin 2.0

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by darkbluefirefly, Jun 4, 2015.

    1. popcornandpepsi

      popcornandpepsi New Member

      Apr 4, 2016
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      leveling is not the issue.
      progression/quest is the issue,
      it's kinda tedious questing multiple times.
    2. botelho

      botelho Member

      Nov 13, 2013
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      Right now you have to:

      Act1 - Set oldgrindbot to farm The Mud Flats, he will gather the quest items and open the passage, after this just set the bot to The Cavern of Anger and the bot will finish the act by himself.

      Act2 - Set the bot to Chamber of Sins Level 2, he will get the gem, set the bot to Weaver's Chambers, he will loot the staff, set the bot to Ancient Pyramid, when he gets stuck trying to open the door, kill the bandits manually and set the bot to Ancient Pyramid again, he will finish the act.

      Act3 - Set for City of Sarn, he will help Clarissa, set the bot to Crematorium and he will get the item, manually get the key with Clarissa @Sarn and set the bot to Docks and after he gets the item to The Battlefront to get the second one, after that set to Solaris 2 and later complete the quest Lady Dialla manually. Set to Lunaris 2 and he will do everything by himself, after Piety is dead set to The Upper Sceptre of God and act3 will be over.

      Act4 - Set to Dried Lake and he will open the door to Mines by himself after he kills Voll. Set to Kaom's Stronghold and he will kill him, you have to kill Daresso by hand, The Grand Arena is kind of bugged. After that talk to the npc in Crystal Veins and set the bot to The Harvest, after he kills all the bosses and loot the quest items, pause and talk to Piety, finish act4.

      It is not perfect, but most of the quest stuff is already handled by EB, until some1 release a plugin to handle some of the "talking to npcs" we have to kind of guide the areas. It is semi afk.
    3. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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    4. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Thread archived, since plugin is no longer supported.

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