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  • NordicTitans Saber Rep PROFILE (FREE)

    Discussion in 'Alliance' started by Nordictitan, Jul 4, 2015.

    1. Nordictitan

      Nordictitan New Member

      Jul 1, 2015
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      NordicTitans Saber Rep+ BoE EPIC drops!

      Hey guys!

      Could not find any good Saber Rep Profiles, so decided to make my own!

      Have run it on 2 of my chars (Human Blood DK, and Gnome Shadowpriest). Both work perfectly by themselves and in party with eachother).

      The profile runs SMOOTH , but you have too adjust it to the character you are running it on.
      (*Singular CR standard) Example vise--> Blood DK can pull 4-5 at once no problem, whilst Shadow priest can only pull 1 at a time, or you WILL DIE. (This also varies as we have different gear, I run both charcs with almost full blue PvP gear) So if you have full PvE gear I would change the pull count accordingly.

      PS: A nice thumb rule:

      - Plate classes with tank spec (4-6 mobs)
      - Plate DPS (1+)
      - Plate DPS with off heals (1-2 (+))
      - Cloth DPS 1
      - Cloth DPS with Pets and good kiting /off heals 1-3)
      - Hunters dependent on spec, but 2+

      Instructions to make it work:

      Download attachment, save it too your "default profiles" folder in honorbuddy main folder.

      Open wow with honorbuddy--> select Singular as Combat routine--> choose "Questing" as your main bot, and load profile from file--> use the file you just downloaded and saved in "default profiles". Now you`re almost set. Use a small mount so you dont get stuck that easily between hotspots.

      NB! Do get the maximum out of this profile I strongly recommend changing "pull count" on mobs whitin Singualar CR. Find out what works for you the best, and you will make a lot more progress than if you didnt.

      - Too change pull count in singualar: Open Honorbuddy main window--> click "class config" --> "general tab" --> under "Enemy control" --> "pull more count" - ( you`re preferred number of mobs that you would like to pull)---> click "Save & Close" in the bottom right.

      NOW START YOU`RE ENGINES(start the bot) AND GET THAT EXALTED ALREADY :D! All +rep for this profile is highly appreciated, and please post if you have problems, and I will try to help at the best of my ability.

      View attachment Nordictitan Saber Rep.xml

      added the profile for "party mode" if you run more than two accounts/session at a time, and in the same party please use this profile, and start the bots/sessions within 3 sec of eachother. (preferably simultaneously)

      View attachment Saber Rep Party.xml

      NB! Too make this profile run correctly, please start it up when you stand anywhere inside the "FANG`RILA" zone. If you do not do this, the bot will start attacking mobs on its way to fangrila. By the time you used fighting your way too Fangrila, you could of reached honored/revered, status.. PLAY SMART guys :)
      Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
    2. anonymoose

      anonymoose New Member

      Nov 19, 2014
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      working as intended although they hit harder than shit so as you advised the pull count should be set accordingly,
      nice share for the community +1 for the share:)
    3. Nordictitan

      Nordictitan New Member

      Jul 1, 2015
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      Thank you for the kind words mate, and for using my profile! Hope to bring you guys more even reliable profiles in the future! :)
    4. Nani

      Nani New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      How fast is the rep gain? How many hours till exalted?
    5. oresal

      oresal New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      Can you add repair mount function? There were times when my gear was broken and the profile kept pulling mobs...
    6. DrStrider

      DrStrider New Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      Seems like the profile puts you in several situations where 2-3 Blackfangs get pulled at a time regardless of the pullmore settings in Singular. I'm sure this is fine for Blood DKs or whatever, but my hunter can only take two mobs out. As i650 BM the pet just can't do 3 at a time, Singular will let it die. TuanHA Hunter however, can do 3 at a time and survive. I don't know what's different about the two, but it works.

      Anyway thanks for the profile, it's a great start. The area is pretty tight and tough to work with.
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
    7. Uraku

      Uraku New Member

      Feb 18, 2012
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      The mobs are too close together, my char can only handle 1 at a time but always ends up vs at least 2

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