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  • pokefarmer i hope for fix

    Discussion in 'Pokefarmer Forum' started by dtcpatjuh, Mar 10, 2017.

    1. dtcpatjuh

      dtcpatjuh New Member

      Feb 15, 2017
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      pokefarmer has detect by niantic
      see picture
      i have use alone pokefarmer last version
      how can fix this ?

      and what can i do , i pay for year for the bot

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    2. CAcove

      CAcove Moderator Moderator

      Dec 14, 2014
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      There are some legit accounts also getting this warning. This warning is non specific and seems to be the replacement for captchas. So far nothing is turning up that indicates that we have a detection issue, but we are still doing more research.

      At this time the facts remain at this:

      1. There is no surefire way to account for 1 specific thing to trigger the warning.
      2. I have been able to replicate the warning on a legit account for doing too many actions at once and then logging into another device and then back to the original one within an hour of one another.
      3. Any account using any 3rd party app or bot seems to get hit mostly but not completely, there are botted accounts not getting this message either.
      4. It will be looked into, and if/when we have solid information to supply, we will let you all know.
      5. Dont panick and freak out guys, Niantic loves it when you do.
      6. Keep botting smart and safe and we will keep investigating.
    3. Mew2

      Mew2 Member

      Sep 10, 2016
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      We had these warnings prior to the first big api change, when the Magnemite eye warning first came out. I would ignore the warnings personally we basically had months of hassle free botting the last time we had these warnings, and they will disappear in a few weeks, with no bans. Basically we should assume Niantic are now focusing on big game changes, not bans.

      If you remember we had the first big api change, people logged in the next day and the bots would not find pokemon and pokestops, then we had our first capcha. Then the old warning came up the same as the current one.
    4. Raptor1337

      Raptor1337 New Member

      Apr 22, 2017
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      Love it @ statement of CAcove.

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