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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by DyingHymn, Apr 17, 2014.

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    1. kedde2005

      kedde2005 New Member

      Nov 18, 2012
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      Is that version newer or better then the one you linked earlier on?
    2. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
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      For this profile it is yeah.
    3. gotteshand

      gotteshand New Member

      Jun 7, 2012
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      Tower of Cursed/Damned is done and integrated along with a failsafe will need testing:) I had to reduce the tolerance on two of them to 1 because of how close the coordinates of the markers between the two version were (difference of 3 units).. which caused Tower of Damned 2 to be mistaken as Tower of Cursed 2 its fixed now along with the failsafe this should work pretty damn well and make Tower maps a lot faster..
    4. r3plic4tor

      r3plic4tor New Member

      Apr 24, 2014
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      nice work is it updated now?
    5. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
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      That's damn sweet! There actually seems to be a fixed amount of maps for ever type of level in rifts. It's not so random as they're supposed to be. If we could map every level, that would be awesome but would take ALOT of work.
    6. thorthor

      thorthor New Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      I was looking for something like this, thanks alot man!
    7. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
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      WorldId: 288454
      LevelAreaId: 346527
      Name: X1_LR_Tileset_Exterior_Ramparts

      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 6.562618, Position: <1890.154, 1759.493, -22.55594>, Closest Portal Loc: <1890.154, 1759.493, -22.55594> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-14175]
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 6.562618, Position: <1890.154, 1759.493, -22.55594>, Closest Portal Loc: <1890.154, 1759.493, -22.55594> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-14175]
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1346.006, Position: <585.148, 1432.449, 0>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1436.355, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1436.355, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 1509.406, Position: <772.2578, 750.6985, 26.59764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 1509.406, Position: <772.2578, 750.6985, 26.59764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1758.261, Position: <779.5206, 402.11, 10.34101>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1758.261, Position: <779.5206, 402.11, 10.34101>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1143583480, Distance: 1774.176, Position: <587.919, 559.9833, 2.736923>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 1776.613, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 1785.876, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 1794.683, Position: <606.8395, 510.3943, 2.528992>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 1812.515, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 1812.515, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1820.009, Position: <557.5455, 525.3394, 2.696472>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1945.026, Position: <3452.838, 609.2266, 0.2092285>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 1980.212, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2009.233, Position: <402.5403, 414.342, 0.7016997>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2178.471, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2178.471, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2178.471, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2178.471, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2178.471, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2178.471, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2178.471, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2816.001, Position: <4356.238, 408.2414, -2.854919>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [279011B0] Type: Player Name: Wizard_Female-152 ActorSNO: 6526, Distance: 0
      [279040F4] GizmoType: PortalDestination Name: Start_Location_0-14173 ActorSNO: 5502 Distance: 0.208683 Position: <1889.175, 1765.983, -24.50904> Barracade: False Radius: 6.631498
      [2790498C] GizmoType: Portal Name: g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-14175 ActorSNO: 176002 Distance: 6.909505 Position: <1890.154, 1759.493, -22.55594> Barracade: False Radius: 11.01488
      [27903410] GizmoType: Door Name: a3dun_Rmpt_FrozenDoor_A-14170 ActorSNO: 112316 Distance: 6.970145 Position: <1890.449, 1759.136, -24.99998> Barracade: False Radius: 14.16085
      [27904DD8] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-159 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 12.25942
      [27904540] GizmoType: Checkpoint Name: Checkpoint-14174 ActorSNO: 3795 Distance: 20.20405 Position: <1890.261, 1786.156, -25.00002> Barracade: False Radius: 17.49286
      [27903CA8] Type: ServerProp Name: SoundActor_PAmb_act3_distantBattle_lite_intermittent-14172 ActorSNO: 217956, Distance: 45.34774
      [27902FC4] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_rmpt_OilVat_A-14169 ActorSNO: 122076 Distance: 55.12604 Position: <1872.285, 1810.381, 3.253998> Barracade: False Radius: 22.63275 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2790385C] Type: ServerProp Name: a3dun_rmpt_OilVat_A_Server_Prop-14171 ActorSNO: 128753, Distance: 99.77203
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 5.505229, Position: <772.2578, 750.6985, 26.59764>, Closest Portal Loc: <772.2578, 750.6985, 26.59764> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-12529]
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 5.505229, Position: <772.2578, 750.6985, 26.59764>, Closest Portal Loc: <772.2578, 750.6985, 26.59764> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-12529]
      Marker Hash: -1143583480, Distance: 263.1371, Position: <587.919, 559.9833, 2.736923>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 266.9021, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 275.0811, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 290.4954, Position: <606.8395, 510.3943, 2.528992>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 309.1936, Position: <557.5455, 525.3394, 2.696472>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 311.7339, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 311.7339, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 350.7808, Position: <779.5206, 402.11, 10.34101>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 350.7808, Position: <779.5206, 402.11, 10.34101>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 472.334, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 497.3771, Position: <402.5403, 414.342, 0.7016997>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 673.7548, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 673.7548, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 673.7548, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 673.7548, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 673.7548, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 673.7548, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 673.7548, Position: <353.6287, 220.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 703.7123, Position: <585.148, 1432.449, 0>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 1508.277, Position: <1890.154, 1759.493, -22.55594>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 1508.277, Position: <1890.154, 1759.493, -22.55594>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1948.557, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1948.557, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2689.548, Position: <3452.838, 609.2266, 0.2092285>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 3605.609, Position: <4356.238, 408.2414, -2.854919>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [279011B0] Type: Player Name: Wizard_Female-152 ActorSNO: 6526, Distance: 0
      [27907038] GizmoType: Door Name: a3dun_Rmpt_FrozenDoor_A_StartDisabled-12526 ActorSNO: 196223 Distance: 3.504378 Position: <769.5706, 750.3406, 24.1536> Barracade: False Radius: 14.16085
      [27929A84] GizmoType: Portal Name: g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-12529 ActorSNO: 176002 Distance: 5.714128 Position: <772.2578, 750.6985, 26.59764> Barracade: False Radius: 11.01488
      [27920CB8] GizmoType: PortalDestination Name: Start_Location_0-12530 ActorSNO: 5502 Distance: 8.353199 Position: <775.2288, 750.6736, 25> Barracade: False Radius: 6.631498
      [27908A00] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-159 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 12.68852
      [2790CA74] Type: ServerProp Name: SoundActor_PAmb_act3_distantBattle_lite_intermittent-12523 ActorSNO: 217956, Distance: 46.14714

      WorldId: 288702
      LevelAreaId: 346527
      Name: X1_LR_Level_06

      [279011B0] Type: Player Name: Wizard_Female-102 ActorSNO: 6526, Distance: 0
      [27910F34] GizmoType: Portal Name: g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-33163 ActorSNO: 176002 Distance: 3.505668 Position: <1861.255, 2265.319, -23.04723> Barracade: False Radius: 11.09539
      [27907484] GizmoType: PortalDestination Name: Start_Location_0-33170 ActorSNO: 5502 Distance: 6.562591 Position: <1869.635, 2263.837, -24.8172> Barracade: False Radius: 6.631498
      [27924D2C] GizmoType: Checkpoint Name: Checkpoint-33169 ActorSNO: 3795 Distance: 6.65882 Position: <1869.719, 2263.791, -24.8172> Barracade: False Radius: 5.830952
      [27909298] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-109 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 15.30788
      [2790498C] Type: ServerProp Name: bastionsKeepGuard_Ranged_A_01_Corpse_04-33166 ActorSNO: 131073, Distance: 55.53029
      [27916970] Type: ServerProp Name: SoundActor_PAmb_act3_stonefort_distantBattle_lite_intermittent-33190 ActorSNO: 218090, Distance: 68.93972
      [2790ECD4] Type: ServerProp Name: Demon_Trooper_corpse_B-33145 ActorSNO: 96961, Distance: 79.78883
      [27908A00] Type: ServerProp Name: bastionsKeepGuard_Melee_A_01_Corpse_02-33220 ActorSNO: 131050, Distance: 92.7449
      [2791D090] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-27766 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 1791.082
      Marker Hash: 1938876097, Distance: 2.976062, Position: <1861.255, 2265.319, -23.04723>, Closest Portal Loc: <1861.255, 2265.319, -23.04723> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-33163]
      Marker Hash: 1938876097, Distance: 2.976062, Position: <1861.255, 2265.319, -23.04723>, Closest Portal Loc: <1861.255, 2265.319, -23.04723> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-33163]
      Marker Hash: 1938876096, Distance: 1626.42, Position: <783.0833, 1051.418, 5.650125>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 1790.906, Position: <861.1145, 782.9539, 0.256916>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 1790.906, Position: <861.1145, 782.9539, 0.256916>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1812.621, Position: <1026.961, 658.9689, 10.84698>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1812.621, Position: <1026.961, 658.9689, 10.84698>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 1861.552, Position: <497.5, 1002.5, -10>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 1861.552, Position: <497.5, 1002.5, -10>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 1861.552, Position: <497.5, 1002.5, -10>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 1947.956, Position: <680.1924, 719.7283, 33.9541>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876097, Distance: 2025.775, Position: <368.5664, 900.0947, 10.21958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876097, Distance: 2025.775, Position: <368.5664, 900.0947, 10.21958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2039.392, Position: <1193.629, 340.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 2129.657, Position: <397.7554, 722.1393, -89.94706>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1143583480, Distance: 2131.03, Position: <587.919, 559.9833, 2.736923>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 2135.934, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 2143.183, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876098, Distance: 2151.112, Position: <840, 375, -4.478987>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876098, Distance: 2151.112, Position: <840, 375, -4.478987>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 2159.886, Position: <606.8395, 510.3943, 2.528992>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2176.966, Position: <557.5455, 525.3394, 2.696472>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 2176.903, Position: <789.7996, 373.3321, 10.81753>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 2180.4, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 2217.684, Position: <412.5, 590, -1.064201>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 2357.455, Position: <522.2153, 328.3651, 2.16092>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 2357.455, Position: <522.2153, 328.3651, 2.16092>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876096, Distance: 2416.416, Position: <359.8317, 375.5226, 4.823656>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876096, Distance: 2416.416, Position: <359.8317, 375.5226, 4.823656>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [279011B0] Type: Player Name: Wizard_Female-102 ActorSNO: 6526, Distance: 0
      [27909298] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-109 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 6.645025
      [2792DAF8] Type: ServerProp Name: a3dun_Rmpt_FrozenDoor_A_DOESNTOPEN-27767 ActorSNO: 171603, Distance: 10.7548
      [2792B898] GizmoType: DungeonPortal Name: Dungeon_Stone_Portal-27764 ActorSNO: 135248 Distance: 16.18634 Position: <861.1145, 782.9539, 0.256916> Barracade: False Radius: 10.25796
      [2791D090] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-27766 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 16.18634
      [27905ABC] Type: ServerProp Name: Dungeon_Stone_Server_Prop-28051 ActorSNO: 325845, Distance: 16.18634
      [27910AE8] Type: ClientEffect Name: Dungeon_Stone_Portal_invis-27765 ActorSNO: 178684, Distance: 16.18634
      [27910250] Type: ServerProp Name: bastionsKeepGuard_Ranged_A_01_Corpse_02-27091 ActorSNO: 131070, Distance: 50.55465
      [27931FB8] Type: ServerProp Name: bastionsKeepGuard_Melee_A_01_Corpse_03-27082 ActorSNO: 131051, Distance: 53.71667
      [27918BD0] Type: ServerProp Name: Demon_Trooper_corpse_B-27693 ActorSNO: 96961, Distance: 59.23523
      [27907484] GizmoType: DestroySelfWhenNear Name: rmpt_FloorExplosion_directional-26172 ActorSNO: 195414 Distance: 74.56384 Position: <806.844, 854.1296, 0> Barracade: False Radius: 91.54332
      [27935348] Type: ServerProp Name: a3dun_rmpt_OilVat_A_Server_Prop-27963 ActorSNO: 128753, Distance: 82.37063
      [2793828C] Type: ServerProp Name: Demon_Trooper_corpse_D-27201 ActorSNO: 96963, Distance: 85.24329
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 16.1861, Position: <861.1145, 782.9539, 0.256916>, Closest Portal Loc: <861.1145, 782.9539, 0.256916> [Dungeon_Stone_Portal-27764]
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 16.1861, Position: <861.1145, 782.9539, 0.256916>, Closest Portal Loc: <861.1145, 782.9539, 0.256916> [Dungeon_Stone_Portal-27764]
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 193.0246, Position: <680.1924, 719.7283, 33.9541>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 220.3034, Position: <1026.961, 658.9689, 10.84698>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 220.3034, Position: <1026.961, 658.9689, 10.84698>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876096, Distance: 263.389, Position: <783.0833, 1051.418, 5.650125>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1143583480, Distance: 359.1195, Position: <587.919, 559.9833, 2.736923>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 361.4761, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 370.7568, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 381.1476, Position: <606.8395, 510.3943, 2.528992>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 400.553, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 404.8752, Position: <557.5455, 525.3394, 2.696472>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 412.8818, Position: <497.5, 1002.5, -10>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 412.8818, Position: <497.5, 1002.5, -10>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 412.8818, Position: <497.5, 1002.5, -10>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876098, Distance: 423.7677, Position: <840, 375, -4.478987>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876098, Distance: 423.7677, Position: <840, 375, -4.478987>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 430.3076, Position: <789.7996, 373.3321, 10.81753>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 464.9843, Position: <397.7554, 722.1393, -89.94706>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 490.438, Position: <412.5, 590, -1.064201>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876097, Distance: 498.3452, Position: <368.5664, 900.0947, 10.21958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876097, Distance: 498.3452, Position: <368.5664, 900.0947, 10.21958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 568.5197, Position: <1193.629, 340.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 576.7857, Position: <522.2153, 328.3651, 2.16092>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 576.7857, Position: <522.2153, 328.3651, 2.16092>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876096, Distance: 652.2896, Position: <359.8317, 375.5226, 4.823656>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876096, Distance: 652.2896, Position: <359.8317, 375.5226, 4.823656>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876097, Distance: 1778.024, Position: <1861.255, 2265.319, -23.04723>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876097, Distance: 1778.024, Position: <1861.255, 2265.319, -23.04723>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
    8. r3plic4tor

      r3plic4tor New Member

      Apr 24, 2014
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      Trophy Points:
      in revision 122 garden of hope cursde shrine is now bugged a bit :/ bot stucks on the stairs and wait for event but it didnt clicked on it can you look into it?
    9. JoshE

      JoshE New Member

      Apr 2, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:

      any recommended classes / builds to go with this? xd
    10. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
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      Trophy Points:
      I only play a cold dmg Wizard. It should work for any class though.
    11. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:

      I don't think your tower level additions is complete. I've gotten 2 out of 2 maps now that is considered an unknown map and it goes back to using TrinityExploreDungeon.

      WorldId: 288685
      LevelAreaId: 342477
      Name: X1_LR_Level_02

      [279015FC] Type: Player Name: Wizard_Female-102 ActorSNO: 6526, Distance: 0
      [27908A00] GizmoType: PortalDestination Name: Start_Location_0-3718 ActorSNO: 5502 Distance: 3.546923 Position: <676.8157, 734.011, 24.65639> Barracade: False Radius: 6.631498
      [279117CC] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-109 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 10.78903
      [2790F9B8] GizmoType: Portal Name: g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange-3736 ActorSNO: 176001 Distance: 15.3838 Position: <680.1924, 719.7283, 33.9541> Barracade: False Radius: 24.65643
      [2791F73C] GizmoType: Chest Name: a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-3742 ActorSNO: 103919 Distance: 109.8821 Position: <600, 757.5, -50.00002> Barracade: False Radius: 6.132069
      [2791A14C] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3757 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 110.5458 Position: <615, 785, -50.00001> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2790C628] GizmoType: Chest Name: a3dun_Crater_ST_Chest-3700 ActorSNO: 179865 Distance: 150.6587 Position: <560, 685, -59.23273> Barracade: False Radius: 6.927623
      [2791E1C0] GizmoType: DestroyableObject Name: a3dun_crater_st_Demon_BloodContainer_A-3687 ActorSNO: 155255 Distance: 157.3777 Position: <564.2065, 660.6335, -60> Barracade: False Radius: 13.75171 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2790B0AC] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3740 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 160.8386 Position: <623, 584, -9.580238> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [279153F4] GizmoType: Chest Name: a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-3743 ActorSNO: 103919 Distance: 165.7499 Position: <624.775, 578.1899, -9.999996> Barracade: False Radius: 6.132069
      [2790B4F8] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3739 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 166.9387 Position: <621.5, 578, -9.999996> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2791DD74] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3709 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 167.3455 Position: <532.5, 714, -60> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [279078D0] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3741 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 169.6136 Position: <626.5, 573.5, -9.999996> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2791FB88] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3708 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 172.1705 Position: <527, 712, -59.82021> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [27921104] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3712 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 174.7688 Position: <523.5, 716, -59.82021> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2791A9E4] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3701 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 182.1884 Position: <525.1044, 674.0675, -60.00001> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [27913194] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3703 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 185.9413 Position: <516.8953, 684.9271, -60.00001> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [27906BEC] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: A3_crater_st_DemonCage_A-3699 ActorSNO: 174496 Distance: 187.7192 Position: <517.5309, 676.4991, -60.00001> Barracade: False Radius: 13.97542 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2791E60C] GizmoType: DestroyableObject Name: a3dun_crater_st_Demon_BloodContainer_A-3706 ActorSNO: 155255 Distance: 189.3618 Position: <509.0782, 700.3081, -59.81738> Barracade: False Radius: 13.75171 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [27907484] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3702 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 190.2923 Position: <512.2245, 682.9312, -59.71162> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [27903CA8] GizmoType: DestroyableObject Name: a3dun_crater_st_Demon_BloodContainer_A-3685 ActorSNO: 155255 Distance: 194.1024 Position: <524.4013, 644.656, -60> Barracade: False Radius: 13.75171 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2790B944] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3745 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 203.4427 Position: <631.2784, 536.4693, -9.273735> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [27919468] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3746 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 206.8741 Position: <626.4054, 534.0244, -9.273735> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [27909F7C] GizmoType: BreakableChest Name: a3dun_crater_BonePile-3744 ActorSNO: 192867 Distance: 207.7596 Position: <631.9452, 531.8383, -9.273735> Barracade: False Radius: 7.055979 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [2791EA58] GizmoType: Chest Name: a3Battlefield_Props_Demonic_Container_A-3747 ActorSNO: 103919 Distance: 209.7015 Position: <636.8879, 528.8434, -9.273735> Barracade: False Radius: 6.132069
      [2790D30C] GizmoType: PortalDestination Name: Exit_Location_1-3733 ActorSNO: 4067 Distance: 270.7631 Position: <430.4629, 721.7125, -90.10422> Barracade: False Radius: 6.631498
      [27904DD8] GizmoType: Portal Name: g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange_LargeRadius-3732 ActorSNO: 204747 Distance: 300.5113 Position: <397.7554, 722.1393, -89.94706> Barracade: False Radius: 22.31407
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 13.48275, Position: <680.1924, 719.7283, 33.9541>, Closest Portal Loc: <680.1924, 719.7283, 33.9541> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange-3736]
      Marker Hash: -1143583480, Distance: 192.6134, Position: <587.919, 559.9833, 2.736923>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 200.0951, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 200.0951, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 200.0951, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 200.0951, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 200.0951, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 204.8299, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 231.7257, Position: <606.8395, 510.3943, 2.528992>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 237.4997, Position: <557.5455, 525.3394, 2.696472>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 255.6252, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 298.0856, Position: <412.5, 590, -1.064201>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 298.0856, Position: <412.5, 590, -1.064201>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 323.32, Position: <497.5, 1002.5, -10>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 359.8546, Position: <1026.961, 658.9689, 10.84698>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 359.8546, Position: <1026.961, 658.9689, 10.84698>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 649.9941, Position: <1193.629, 340.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [279015FC] Type: Player Name: Wizard_Female-102 ActorSNO: 6526, Distance: 0
      [2790AC60] Type: Item Name: CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-4530 ActorSNO: 137958
      [2790D30C] Type: Item Name: CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-4531 ActorSNO: 137958
      [27913A2C] Type: Item Name: CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-4532 ActorSNO: 137958
      [27906BEC] GizmoType: Portal Name: g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange_LargeRadius-4117 ActorSNO: 204747 Distance: 15.28137 Position: <397.7554, 722.1393, -89.94706> Barracade: False Radius: 22.31407
      [27913194] GizmoType: PortalDestination Name: Exit_Location_1-4104 ActorSNO: 4067 Distance: 23.84173 Position: <430.4629, 721.7125, -90.10422> Barracade: False Radius: 6.631498
      [279117CC] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-109 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 25.92701
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 15.24313, Position: <397.7554, 722.1393, -89.94706>, Closest Portal Loc: <397.7554, 722.1393, -89.94706> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange_LargeRadius-4117]
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 121.7422, Position: <412.5, 590, -1.064201>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 121.7422, Position: <412.5, 590, -1.064201>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1143583480, Distance: 234.6902, Position: <587.919, 559.9833, 2.736923>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 237.1584, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 237.1584, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 238.4023, Position: <557.5455, 525.3394, 2.696472>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 248.2973, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 248.2973, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 248.2973, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 248.2973, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 248.2973, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 282.3445, Position: <606.8395, 510.3943, 2.528992>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 271.4605, Position: <680.1924, 719.7283, 33.9541>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 300.0235, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 304.0239, Position: <497.5, 1002.5, -10>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 620.3538, Position: <1026.961, 658.9689, 10.84698>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 620.3538, Position: <1026.961, 658.9689, 10.84698>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 868.0394, Position: <1193.629, 340.7204, 0.2500038>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>

      WorldId: 288798
      LevelAreaId: 342477
      Name: X1_LR_Tileset_CraterTowers

      [279511B0] Type: Player Name: Wizard_Female-155 ActorSNO: 6526, Distance: 0
      [279791EC] GizmoType: Portal Name: g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange_LargeRadius-32576 ActorSNO: 204747 Distance: 7.827549 Position: <399.2324, 721.925, 44.40216> Barracade: False Radius: 18.55357
      [2795498C] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-162 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 11.40532
      [27972680] Type: ServerProp Name: NoSpawnActor100feet-32575 ActorSNO: 114423, Distance: 36.71822
      [279780BC] GizmoType: PortalDestination Name: Start_Location_0-32574 ActorSNO: 5502 Distance: 50.6659 Position: <456.8682, 728.6818, 39.83229> Barracade: False Radius: 6.631498
      [2795B944] GizmoType: Checkpoint Name: Checkpoint-32577 ActorSNO: 3795 Distance: 61.46024 Position: <467.3809, 729.0619, 36.0127> Barracade: False Radius: 5.830952
      [2795F56C] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-30848 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 362.1242
      [27968338] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-29004 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 362.1242
      [27952FC4] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-29250 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 362.1242
      [27957038] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-29238 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 362.1242
      [27967208] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-32277 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 362.1242
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 7.645994, Position: <399.2324, 721.925, 44.40216>, Closest Portal Loc: <399.2324, 721.925, 44.40216> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange_LargeRadius-32576]
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 7.645994, Position: <399.2324, 721.925, 44.40216>, Closest Portal Loc: <399.2324, 721.925, 44.40216> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange_LargeRadius-32576]
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 95.54736, Position: <384.3281, 817.3483, 2.37722>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 202.7344, Position: <281.3956, 883.9583, 0>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1143583480, Distance: 244.8636, Position: <587.919, 559.9833, 2.736923>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 247.715, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 249.9008, Position: <557.5455, 525.3394, 2.696472>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 258.5899, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 287.8013, Position: <327.0717, 1001.034, 0.4097503>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 287.8013, Position: <327.0717, 1001.034, 0.4097503>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 293.1693, Position: <606.8395, 510.3943, 2.528992>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 303.1869, Position: <378.2376, 422.5311, 13.40328>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 303.1869, Position: <378.2376, 422.5311, 13.40328>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 310.0839, Position: <402.5403, 414.342, 0.7016997>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 311.2377, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 342.4464, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 342.4464, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 342.4464, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 342.4464, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 342.4464, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 342.4464, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 321.7381, Position: <724.0629, 672.9431, -123.4622>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 321.7381, Position: <724.0629, 672.9431, -123.4622>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 636.6351, Position: <1030.454, 850.6714, 9.494394>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 692.6088, Position: <1019.521, 402.11, 10.34101>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 704.3595, Position: <1046.113, 1019.316, 3.152569>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 704.3595, Position: <1046.113, 1019.316, 3.152569>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876096, Distance: 1058.344, Position: <1460.399, 820.9243, -3.974569>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1234.339, Position: <1363.421, 1504.036, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2306.231, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2306.231, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2306.231, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 3048.548, Position: <3452.838, 609.2266, 0.2092285>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 3962.405, Position: <4356.238, 408.2414, -2.854919>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>

      [279511B0] Type: Player Name: Wizard_Female-155 ActorSNO: 6526, Distance: 0
      [279660D8] GizmoType: DungeonPortal Name: Dungeon_Stone_Portal-30846 ActorSNO: 135248 Distance: 5.026424 Position: <724.0629, 672.9431, -123.4622> Barracade: False Radius: 10.25796
      [2795F56C] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-30848 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 5.026424
      [27966DBC] Type: ClientEffect Name: Dungeon_Stone_Portal_invis-30847 ActorSNO: 178684, Distance: 5.026424
      [2796A14C] Type: ServerProp Name: Dungeon_Stone_Server_Prop-31264 ActorSNO: 325845, Distance: 5.026424
      [27968338] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-29004 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 5.026424
      [27952FC4] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-29250 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 5.026424
      [27957038] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-29238 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 5.026424
      [2795498C] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-162 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 9.904987
      [279766F4] Type: Item Name: CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-31241 ActorSNO: 137958
      [27988B24] Type: Item Name: CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-31240 ActorSNO: 137958
      [2798828C] Type: Item Name: CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-31239 ActorSNO: 137958
      [27965C8C] GizmoType: DestroyableObject Name: a3dun_crater_st_Demon_BloodContainer_A-30857 ActorSNO: 155255 Distance: 114.8863 Position: <801.7393, 688.4702, -40.00006> Barracade: False Radius: 13.75171 Health0.00100000004749745/1
      [27951E94] Type: Monster Name: a3_crater_st_demonic_forge-31885 ActorSNO: 185391, Distance: 117.9521
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 5.026306, Position: <724.0629, 672.9431, -123.4622>, Closest Portal Loc: <724.0629, 672.9431, -123.4622> [Dungeon_Stone_Portal-30846]
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 5.026306, Position: <724.0629, 672.9431, -123.4622>, Closest Portal Loc: <724.0629, 672.9431, -123.4622> [Dungeon_Stone_Portal-30846]
      Marker Hash: -1143583480, Distance: 179.7361, Position: <587.919, 559.9833, 2.736923>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -111791922, Distance: 182.2175, Position: <595.6625, 548.124, 2.620825>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -748823538, Distance: 191.3542, Position: <581.7837, 549.3965, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 204.1794, Position: <606.8395, 510.3943, 2.528992>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 362131378, Distance: 225.2343, Position: <606.1836, 485.6921, 2.620764>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 225.475, Position: <557.5455, 525.3394, 2.696472>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 327.269, Position: <399.2324, 721.925, 44.40216>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 327.269, Position: <399.2324, 721.925, 44.40216>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876095, Distance: 352.188, Position: <1030.454, 850.6714, 9.494394>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 366.734, Position: <384.3281, 817.3483, 2.37722>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 387.1537, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 387.1537, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 387.1537, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 387.1537, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 387.1537, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 387.1537, Position: <467.5924, 387.4542, 0.7756958>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 404.5886, Position: <1019.521, 402.11, 10.34101>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 415.3559, Position: <402.5403, 414.342, 0.7016997>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 429.4914, Position: <378.2376, 422.5311, 13.40328>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876093, Distance: 429.4914, Position: <378.2376, 422.5311, 13.40328>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 469.6752, Position: <1046.113, 1019.316, 3.152569>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876094, Distance: 469.6752, Position: <1046.113, 1019.316, 3.152569>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 487.7786, Position: <281.3956, 883.9583, 0>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 511.4394, Position: <327.0717, 1001.034, 0.4097503>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1877684886, Distance: 511.4394, Position: <327.0717, 1001.034, 0.4097503>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: 1938876096, Distance: 750.6112, Position: <1460.399, 820.9243, -3.974569>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1044.935, Position: <1363.421, 1504.036, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1987.14, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1987.14, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 1987.14, Position: <2708.557, 586.2667, 7.629395E-06>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 2730.17, Position: <3452.838, 609.2266, 0.2092285>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Marker Hash: -1751517829, Distance: 3642.704, Position: <4356.238, 408.2414, -2.854919>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
    12. pwnyhofpl0x

      pwnyhofpl0x Member

      Dec 12, 2012
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      what is doing GearSwap plugin ?
    13. Qetyip

      Qetyip New Member

      Apr 10, 2013
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      Has anyone else thoroughly tested out .28 yet? I know it has some better features. I play a wizard personally and it enables me to use wormhole teleport speeding up my rifting significantly.
    14. JoshE

      JoshE New Member

      Apr 2, 2014
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      Using Oskehode's package, unfortunately once my gear was broken it didn't repair at all, even when i forced death :eek: I understand this probably isnt the profile issue but i'm using everything from the package.

      Also what happens when I'm at full blood shards?
    15. Qetyip

      Qetyip New Member

      Apr 10, 2013
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      you have to manually spend your shards, and set the repair % to 25 so it actually works propery
    16. iceburn

      iceburn New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      ive tested this with my wiz at Trinity 26/27 and im getting errors, most stable that ive seen is with Trinity 24. i've even disable autoupdater so it wont change my trinity.

      azs for the blood shard max cap. it would just try to pick up the shards until the gold timer triggers, well thats what i've seen it do.
    17. DyingHymn

      DyingHymn New Member

      Apr 12, 2014
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      Wrong observation. Will try a few attempts and give up then TP.
    18. Smitie

      Smitie New Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      I've found that my LPH goes way down running this with Trinity .28 and I've already seen Leg not being picked up. I'll run the older version of Trinity tonight and see how it does.

    19. azarielrdm

      azarielrdm Member

      Apr 13, 2014
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      I noticed quest tools .53 has options you can config in the form of 4 check boxes from the plug ins screen. Does enabling or disabling any of these features help? It looks like only allow profile restarts is checked by default
    20. DyingHymn

      DyingHymn New Member

      Apr 12, 2014
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