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  • Trading.. is it currently a possibility?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by herbfunk, Dec 31, 2016.

    1. herbfunk

      herbfunk Community Developer

      Oct 30, 2012
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      So after playing POE for a few months I've noticed there are trade bots that seem to be running very efficiently, 5 players in party, and trades going quickly..

      My question: does EB have the required API to create such logic?

      Things needed would be:
      Party information (Current members, pending invites)
      Invite and Kick player from current party.
      Player Whispered Event (Player and Message)
      Player Join/Leave Area (Player and Left/Joined)
      Trade Window Information (Whos the other player, what items are currently on screen, and are the items "seen")
      Trade Requested and Sent Events
      Trade Window Opened and Closed Events
      Item added/removed from trade window Events.
      Verify the items in trade window (Mousing over them)
      Accepting a trade or Closing the trade window.

      I think that's all the API needed really.. of course I'm assuming EB already knows basic things like movement, stashing, etc..

      The idea is to keep it simple by only using currency trades. Whispers received should be easy to decipher if the player did not add/remove text. The bot could update the currency trades as it completes its goals, and quits once all finished.

      Anyways thought I'd throw out the idea since I've seen at least two other "major" trading bots.. could be easy to make profits. ;)
    2. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Been there done that, look at the actual api before assuming. It's all there.
    3. toNyx

      toNyx Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      EB knows nothing unless you teach him.

      Also, don't consider PoE as many other games, there's no AH, and it's easy to manipulate market.

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