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  • WorkDone - exit FFXIV after a botbase is finished

    Discussion in 'Plugins' started by Zimble, Jun 14, 2020.

    1. Zimble

      Zimble Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      WorkDone will exit FFXIV (or shutdown/restart PC) provided the botbase that stops matches the settings and the delay timer has been reached without the bot starting again.

      Settings include CN translations thanks to another user!

      Instructions can be found in the repo link, but are as follows:
      1. Download using your preferred method from github or attachment
      2. Extract the archive into your plugins directory
      3. Enable WorkDone in your plugins section and set your settings appropriately
        >the delay setting gives you a buffer of time to start again, cancelling the countdown
        >adding an alert.wav to the WorkDone folder will override the default alert sound

      Attached Files:

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